
These Words [StiLu/Sticy Fanfic] Part 6

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These Words part 6


Rogues eyes scanned over Cana's body frantically, searching for any signs of bruising. If he could find some type of physical injury he might be able to tell what the damned mage had done to her. So far, by searching him, he used a strong form of telechinisus magic. Rogue gritted his teeth as he watched her body still twitch in pain. She was unconscious but her body was still feeling everything. If only he had been able to sense the mage, he would have been able to save her. Frosch looked up at Rogue, sensing his uneasiness. She stood on his left, Lector on his right. Neither had any idea what was happening. Sting, Koty, Erza, and Juvia stood around them, shielding the two from anything else. No one was needed behind them, Sting and Koty had high senses, being able to detect anyone, even if they had a spell casted upon them. They instantly became everyone's eyes and ears, occasionally shouting when an unknown power was felt near someone.

"Natsu! Left!" Koty yelled, sensing a small, wavering power source. Natsu punched left, catching someone off guard, ruining the charm that hid their body. The small body fell back, then caught themselves, hugging their knees to their chest, the face was hidden by so much hair.  Her wrists and ankles had marks on them, too old to be Natsu's. It took a moment before Natsu and Erza's eyes went wide.

"" Erza ex-quipped to her battle empress armor aiming all of the swords towards the geezer that resembled their master. "I know you're not Makarov. He would never hurt an innocent child like this!" She declared, glaring at the man.

"Innocent?" He laughed making the all flinch. "She's one of the brats who's been carving words and symbols into that damned girl!" Each of their heads snapped towards him, fully attentive. "You've heard of Edolas? Yes, you're the ones that travelled there, huh? Well, you must have heard that I, the Edolas version of your master, was killed by the Fairy Hunter, no?" Erza clicked her tongue at the mention of her Edolas part. She wished she knew what was happening up there. "Well, those idiots didn't realize I hadn't died. I was sent here. To this island. That's when I met my prisoner's."  Gray raised an eyebrow at the man.

"Prisoners? You have someone other than Lucy?" Happy asked what everyone was wondering. Natsu and Sting still burned with rage, thinking about what they had just learned about Lucy. The two both had strong feelings for the stellar mage but one had already claimed her. Neither knew though.

"Why, yes. Lucy Heartphilia. The stellar spirit mage with an unbelievably amount of power for her magic. And Layla. Layla, Layla, Layla. She should be here any moment now." He smirked towards them all, obviously planning something.

"Layla...?" Gray, Erza, and Natsu asked at the same time. They all knew they had heard the name from Lucy once before. Erza was the first to realize.

"Layla...Heartphilia?" She asked, her mouth agape. Natsu and Gray looked back at her then to each other. Lucy's mother? Wasn't she dead?" Natsu wondered.

All of a sudden the magical power vanished from and around them. Natsu could no longer create fire, Erza's armor disappeared from her body, the Exceeds could no longer fly, the mages that had surrounded them could no longer hid their bodies, the spell that hid them had vanquished.

"This...this it?" Sting asked falling to his knees, loosing all energy within himself. The others id so also. All energy anyone had left was gone. Rogue watched in awe as Cana's body stopped moving. If her energy was gone for too long, she could die. He quickly began trying to wake her. He knew she would be in pain but he had to do something. She blinked, staring at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. He brought a finger to his lips, motioning for her to be quiet. She didn't make a sound. He was just glad she was awake.

"Ah. She's here." He grinned, turning to the side. A tall figure appeared and walked towards them.

"Makarov." Stings eyes widened. Her voice resembled Lucy's so much but had a more womanly tone to it. Soon she stepped into the light, the suns rays glistening off her features. Everyone's jaws dropped. Layla Heartphilia was more than gorgeous. Gorgeous couldn't even begin to describe her truly. Lucy resembled the woman greatly but, age had overcome in beauty this time. She had her blonde locks in a loose bun at the back of her head, her bangs down and a few curly strands hung by her face. She wore a dress similar to the one she had in the picture Lucy had found in the attic. Her eyes scanned over each of them but stopped on Koty who stared at her, unable to move.

"Mrs... Heartphilia..." He got out before a few drops of tears came from his eyes. The others watched in disbelief, not sure what was happening.

"Who are you?" She asked everyone but her eyes remained on Koty.

"We're friends of Lucy. Your daughter." Erza said, stepping in front of Koty with the rest of the energy she had. Layla sent a glare towards her, already disliking her.

"I don't have a daughter. I've lived here since x777." She retorted, once again looking over each of them. She spotted Sting who sent just as threatening a glare back to her. "Who are you to have the right to disrespect me like this?" She spat at him, turning her body to him.

"I would never respect a sum who denied their own child." He replied, standing. Layla was taken back for a moment, allowing a little energy back into each of them. They were able to stand again, making Rogue sigh in relief.

"Be gone." She held her hand towards Sting, his eyes widened in surprise. He wasn't sure what to expect but one second he was glaring at the woman and the next all he could see was hair and a bright light. Whatever it was, it was strong enough to have a after effect and shoved him backwards, his back slamming into a rock by the water.

"Now, now. We'll rid them later. For now, we have to take care of the ceremony. Get the girl, get her keys, and grab the dragon slayers. The others are worthless. I'll leave them to Geneses." Layla nodded and bowed as he walked back towards the mansion. She then turned back to the group.

"Dragon slayers, come with me. If you want your friend to live, I'd do as I say." She held her hand up towards Cana. She wouldn't just fire at an injured opponent would she? Of course she would! This isn't the Layla Lucy always talked about, Erza thought, gritting her teeth.

"Fine. Just, don't hurt Cana..." Rogue stood and walked towards Layla. She smiled in delight, all she had to do was threaten the ones that were precious to the other two. Her eyes landed on a blue cat. She didn't know who's it was but knew it was worth some type of reaction.

"Next?" She asked, smiling snidely.

"No! I'll come! I'll come!" Natsu yelled, waving his arms and stepping in front of Happy.

"Natsu..." He wined, tears pouring over the brims.

"Good." She smiled towards the pink haired dragon slayer, he glared back but walked towards her anyways. She then laid eyes on two other cats, their eyes were locked on the last dragon slayer. She turned her hand towards them. "I'll count to three."

"I'm coming, aren't I?" Sting spat back at the women. She was definitely going to kill this one after everything is done. He brushed against her, walking behind her and standing next to Rogue. The others stared in amazement toward her. No one had been able to get those three to move willingly.

They soon turned and walked off, Rogue looked back one last time to Cana who was sitting up, staring after the four. He turned back and gritted his teeth. How could he leave her at such a critical time? Then again, if he hadn't she could be dead already. He pushed that out of his mind. What was with him all of a sudden?

"Erza!" Gray yelled. She was ignoring everyone as she treated to Cana. They were back on the ship and heading back to Fairy Tail. They needed more people. They had greatly underestimated their enemy this time.

"What?!" She finally answered, leaving Cana to Koty. He knew a lot about medical stuff, he had been learning about many things while he ventured Fiore.

"What are we going to do? We can't just leave them there." He said calmer, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Somewhere during the fighting he lost his top.

"We can't go charging in. We need every helping hand we can find." She said standing up to him. He nodded and looked toward the ground. If they couldn't do it, who would want to just volunteer?

"We'll head back to Sabertooth and look for recruits too." Ruphus said, leaning against a pole. Erza nodded and looked back up to the sky. All they could hope for is time. Some time to regroup and get everyone back unharmed, though after hearing all that's happening with Lucy, she knew it was getting more and more unlikely as each minute passed. She just prayed her friend could make it through a couple more days.

~Fairy Tail~

"Something's wrong." Laxus stated, crossing his arms as he entered the guild. He had gone on a job but was instantly called back.

"Yes. I know. I was notified that yesterday their ship returned. Something's happened." The master said, sitting on the bar top, next to his grandson.

The doors opened, all of a sudden, making everyone's eyes flock to it. There stood, Gray, Juvia, and Erza who was holding Cana. Macao and Mirajane jumped when they saw Cana's state. Once again someone was taken to the clinic, Wendy trailing close behind.

"Is it as I feared?" Makarov asked without even looking towards the group.

"Worse." Erza said, looking towards the ground.

Makarov soon stood, and cleared his voice, getting everyone's attention. "This person has made Fairy Tail their enemy. That is the worse decisions anyone could make in this world. This is now a war against not just Lucy, or Cana, or their teams, but the entire Fairy Tail. We will all endure in this battle. We will all feel the pains they do, the tears they shed, their hearts, that break because, we are Fairy Tail!" He threw his fist in the air, everyone cheered, their energy pumping to fight for the guild. Erza watched but pain was etched into her heart. This would be the most costly thing for them to get into. No one could promise even half of the entire guild a ride back home. There was no garuntee that they would survive. This was hell.
Guysh. I was so close to tears while writing this oneeee. SO EMOTIONAL. GOD.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand RoCan~~~~~~

Sorry for the spelling mistakes /: I try to fix them it just takes forever

Part 1: [link]
Part 5: [link]
Part 7: (not posted yet)

Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima.
© 2013 - 2024 nalugruviagale
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MusicHenni133's avatar
Awesome ^w^ Sorry i didn't read this untill now =w="" So amazing chapter *w*